Bob Martin

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Bob Martin is another incredibly well-renowned Sports Photographer, whose work has won him numerous awards. This photo was taken during his time as photo chief during the 2012 Olympics in London. As opposed to the two photos above, this photo is taken at a slow shutter speed as the subject is in focus but the track and fans are creating this motion blur effect. The f stop of this image would have been high in order to create the slow shutter speed and capture this image. The colours within the photo are striking also, as they initially attract you to them instead of the subject who then pops out at you. I learn from this image how to take slow shutter speed photos. You need to keep your camera still and focus in on the subject to create this effect.

Ric Tapia


Ric Tapia is a Sports Photographer based in America, and has worked with the likes of the NFL, Nike, Under Armour and Sports Illustrated. He has also appeared on Los Angeles Rams billboards, and is a personal photographer for their quarterback Jared Goff, as well as Julien Edelmen, wide receiver for the New England Patriots. This photo is take with a wide-angled lens, and captures the perfect image of future hall of famer Tom Brady doing what he does best: throwing the football. The image is taken from a low angle, and is at a low ISO to incorporate the amount of light entering through the glass windows that light up the pitch at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, TX. The photo will be at a high shutter speed in order to catch the perfect moment and all the action. The light in the photo gives a heavenly effect, and is a subtle way of bringing your attention to the players on the pitch. This photo has taught me the exposure techniques as this exposure needs to be low due to the natural light the windows create.